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 Enter Trixy: The curious naga

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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 12, 2008 2:45 am

Ha'dara levitated slightly above the ground, keeping out of the way of the quake. "Now what?"
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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 12, 2008 4:18 am

"Ah HELZ! The ground is somewhat loose.....I think I hear something....sounds like someone...HOLY SHIT!!!!!!" Mike shouted as what appeared to be a dead corpse come out of nowhere. He shot the thing in the head and flew at a slightly higher height. "WHAT THE HELL? Wat the hell is this place anyway?" he asked himself.

Luna looked down the giant hole in the ground and said to Trav and Ha'dara, "I think it would be best if we moved some where else....away from this..." She was interrupted by moaning sounds coming from the hole. "EAT LEAD INFECTED FREAKS! AAAHHH!!! OMG! BITCH! ZOMBIES IN THE ROOM! ZOMBIES IN THE ROOM! SHOOT 'EM IN THE HEAD! SHOOT THEM IN THE HEAD!" Mike shouted from the hole.
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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 12, 2008 7:52 am

Ha'dara shook his head and said "What a strange place" before firing a large blast from his mouth, incinerating a large number of the things. "What are these anyway?" he asked after firing another blast at a bunch of things getting dangerously close to Trav.
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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 13, 2008 12:28 pm

"Damnit..."" Masurao mumbled as he got off of Rua, who had goten to her full height. She swiped some of the zombies away, using her tail, and Masurao punched and kicked his way through the hoarde.
(yes, my avatar is from Assassin's Creed. Kickass game.)
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The Nordic Ninja
valiant swordman
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The Nordic Ninja

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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 13, 2008 1:43 pm

(( Character info is here: https://felarya.forumotion.com/role-playing-f8/felarya-cross-over-rp-roster-and-rules-t246.htm?sid=a44eeb0332be586ff9bef40ddd82e4cc ))

Kuroda sat on a branch high in the Felaryan treetops in a state of intense meditation. But, this was soon broken as the odious stench of the rotting undead filled his nostrils. He stood up and cracked his neck and his back then began running along the branches, following the repugnant odor.
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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 13, 2008 7:04 pm

“Gah!” Trav shouted, jumping in surprise and fright as a zombie surfaced next to him. Landing on his rump, Trav scrambled backwards on all fours, but still clutching his sword in one hand.

Not looking at where he was going, Trav bumped into a large tree trunk. He got to his feet, and with his back to the tree, he stared at the slowly approaching zombie.

“I know not what plague ails yeh,” Trav said in a shaking voice, “But keep away from me!” His words went unheeded by the brainless zombie.

“I warn yeh! Stay away! I ‘ave a sword!” Trav shouted, but to no avail. The zombie came closer, gurgling something about brains. Trav held up his sword in a clumsy guard, but the zombie was immune to shows of force. Trav panicked, closed his eyes and swung the blade. His aim was blind, his swing was reckless and far too strong, the weight of the blade continued the swing around until the sword edge slammed into the tree.

But it worked. The zombie lay before him, cloven into two. At first, Trav’s gorge rose at the grizly sight of the dead zombie, but he shook it off. There were many more of these zombies about, threatening his friends. Bracing a foot against the tree, Trav pulled his sword out.

“Yeh be better suited to th’ hands o’ a warlord or knight,” Trav said, holding up his sword. “Not a simple wanderer an’ musician. But I be all yeh ‘ave, so I’ll ‘ave to do. Guardians, grant me luck.” Trav picked out another one of the zombies who was fairly isolated, and dashed at it, his sword ready to cleave.

(((I wonder where neko-pet went)))
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The Nordic Ninja
valiant swordman
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The Nordic Ninja

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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 13, 2008 9:19 pm

Kuroda reached his desired location and amongst the shambling zombies he could hear others, living beings. Some large, some small. He made sure the cloth mask of his make-shift Shinobi Shozoku was tight then jumped down from the branches and right into the fray. He figured he could get acquainted with the living beings after the zombies were dead.
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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 14, 2008 1:58 pm

Ha'dara's eyebrow twitched "What is the deal? How many of these things are there?". He tore a large tree and threw at a large swarm then basting it into large splinters, tearing alot of attackers at once.
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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 14, 2008 2:21 pm

((HA HA! im back from my white water trip!!))

Mike flew above the carnage. ~Damn! Guess I only have one option!~ he thought. "Twilight seal! Unlock!" he shouted. His right arm glowed and suddenly several ring appeared on his arm and two in front of his arm. the all began to spin in different directions. He aimed downwards and shouted, "TWILIGHT...OBLIVIAN!!!!!!!!"

Luna looked up from her position and saw a beam of light shooting down from Mike's arm. ~Dad! You didn't!~ she thought.

The beam hit the zombies and the light soon spread out across the area turning the zombies into pillars of light.
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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 14, 2008 2:24 pm

'Strange' Ha'dara thought 'Light as a weapon?'
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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 16, 2008 7:24 pm

Trav stopped swinging his sword. His breathing was hard and his pulse rapid. He used one hand to wipe sweat off of his forehead. He looked around, as one who has just awoken from a trance.

From what he could see, there didn’t seem to be any more zombies. Any that were attacking anyway. Most of them were enveloped in a light of some sort, many were crushed by an uprooted tree, and several were slashed apart. Most of these surrounded a stranger wearing a cloth mask, but a few of them formed a trail to Trav.

His sword suddenly seemed heavy, and he felt exhausted. He sat down on the spot, and looked at the sword in his hand. It was covered in a blackish blood. Taking out a cloth, Trav began to clean the blade of his sword.

“Demons appearin’ an’ th’ dead walkin’,” Trav said. “I ain’t made fer this sort o’ thing. I owe yeh me life, friends. Aye, and yeh as well, though I do not recognize yeh,” Teav added, addressing Kuroda.
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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 17, 2008 4:29 am

"LUNA!! NOW!!!!" Mike shouted. Luna nodded and aimed her right arm at one of the zombies and shouted, <DATA.....ERASE!!!!!> A green beam shot from Luna's arm and hit the zombie causing many others zombies to disappear within the light.

Mike landed on the ground and said panting, "Thank stranger.....couldn't have asked for better help." He suddenly blacked out as well as Luna.
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The Nordic Ninja
valiant swordman
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The Nordic Ninja

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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 17, 2008 11:52 am

"You are welcome." said Kuroda answering both Trav and Mike, even though the latter was passed out. He then began to clean some of the coagulated zombie blood off of his blade.

All the while he listened intently to the others around him. He was fairly sure that none of them were hostile, but he couldn't be to sure.
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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 17, 2008 2:26 pm

A small transparent figure appeared next to Luna and said, <I think this area is safe now but Luna and Mike are in very bad condition.>
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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 17, 2008 9:37 pm

“Aye, but the soil will cure them…will it not?” Trav asked, somewhat uncertainly. He got up, and walked to Mike’s side and felt his pulse on one of his wrists.

“Mike’s ‘eart still beats, but it be slow,” Trav said. He walked over to Luna and lightly pressed a hand into her neck.

“’er too. ‘er ‘eart be slow as well,” Trav said, after a moment. “They still be among the living, but that be all that I can tell yeh. These two use such strange abilities, I know not what manner of creature they be.”
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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 18, 2008 9:53 am

"As far as I know, the soil should heal most things. But seriously, whats with the living dead?" Ha'dara turned to Kuroda "Yeah, thanks. Out of curiosity, do you know of any dimentional portals?"
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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 19, 2008 2:25 pm

Masurao was barely concious. He wasted almost all of his chakra on the zombies, and his Sharingan faded away. Sweat dropped off of his face.
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The Nordic Ninja
valiant swordman
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The Nordic Ninja

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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 19, 2008 10:37 pm

"I have heard of some, but I am afraid that I could not tell you their location. Sorry." Kuroda said to Ha'dara whilst shaking his blade to remove some of the last few drops of undead blood. He then sheathed his blade, but still remained vigilant.
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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 20, 2008 11:17 am

Ha'dra sighed "Great, guess I'm still stuck in Felarya then. At least I know there are some." Ha'dara started going over to a tree then growled "Damn, no fruit left.", then started looking through the other tree's nearby.
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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 20, 2008 2:09 pm

<There is a portal next to the Mysterious Temple...but I don't think the person there would allow you to use it if either Luna or Mike are not with you,> Ia said to Ha'dara
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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 22, 2008 7:44 am

Ha'dara found a tree he hadn't emptied before and started to eat the fruit. After eating it all he went back to the rest of the group "Whats this about a mysterious Temple?"
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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 22, 2008 12:58 pm

Ia looked at Ha'dara and said, <There is a portal next to the lake where the Mysterious Temple lays......of course the portal exists in another temple hidden my a strong magic in the jungle next to the forest of peril and deeper Felarya.>
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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 22, 2008 3:20 pm

Ha'dara muttered "Why can't they have a portal out in the middle of nowhere? It's always magic here!". Sighing, he stopped "By the way, are we going anywhere soon? I want to see if I can find a Naga bigger than me."

(By the way, are Karbo's characters involved in RP's or just forums and art?)
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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 23, 2008 7:31 am

“Going? With the state Mike and Luna be in?” Trav asked. “Ia, be there anything we can do for these two? I am loath to leave them ‘ere while they sleep.”

“Though I agree, once they awaken, we should leave this place. I ‘ave not any desire to see more demons or walking dead.”
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PostSubject: Re: Enter Trixy: The curious naga   Enter Trixy: The curious naga - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 23, 2008 2:16 pm

<Hmmm...well I> Ia was interrupted when a load groan came from Mike. Ia looked at him and saw his hair was black with red streaks and spiked scales had formed on his right arm. He got up and asked, "I.....feel like......shit."
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