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 A World Thought Fictional

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A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeTue May 19, 2009 9:04 am

Niklas looked amazed at the jar. "Is there anything you don't have in here" he said and laughed a little.

"anyway i need some meat, tomatoes, garlic, onions and lots of spices, to make my specialty...by the way, do you prefer food, mild, spicy or hot?" He said.


Wal tilted her in confusion. "I'm...not failling asleep...and...you might wanna slow down...the...exit is trapped" Wal said slowly.

Last edited by Reptillian on Thu May 21, 2009 11:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeTue May 19, 2009 10:02 pm

"Hmmm...well, any specific topping you wanted, Doug? From the looks of it, there seems to be a lot of toppings here. " said Brent, scurrying over to the jars that Doug pointed out and looking in each one before putting the lids back on.

Liena in the meantime had been gathering most of the ingredients that Ryan wanted, setting them down on the table beside him. "Well, there's this stream not too far away from the cave. I can wash them there if you'd like, Ryan." she said, setting the bowl down.


Meanwhile, not too far away from the tunnel that Doug and the scitzophrenic neko were trapped in, a dryad with light brown skin and green eyes with long green leaves for hair was enjoying the scenery. What was interesting about this dryad was that she had tree branches around her lower section which bore a very sweet fruit. She had seen a dridder pursuing something off in the distance, but it wasn't a sight she hadn't seen before. Whatever the dridder had been chasing had been making a rather odd noise. She half wondered if she'd ever find out what the source of that was as she quickly snatched a wandering duiker off the ground and swallowed it whole, realeasing sleep spores into her stomach so the animal wouldn't feel pain as it was digested.
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2009 7:21 am

"Thanks, Liena. That would be much helpful. And I need to save these fish heads. So don't cook these." As she went off to wash the fish, Ryan looked over the ingredients and made sure everything was there. Half way through, he looked back to where Liena had been when she left. It felt very weird for him to be telling her what to do. She was much larger than him, could easily kill him in a moments notice, and there wasn't anything he could really do about it.

Now here he was, telling her what to do. It didn't feel right. Especaly now that she was becoming his friend. He sighed. He would have to return the favor sometime. Course he wasn't sure what to do about it, but he was sure he would figure it out. He finished the inventory and found that all they were waiting for was for Liena to return with the fish. So he went over to the other guys to check up on them. "Hey. How are you guys doing?"
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2009 10:57 am

"Sure thing!" Liena said with a smile, taking the fish and walking out of the cave to the stream, placing the fish in the water and washing them thoroughly.

"Eh, doing pretty good considering we might be a meal." Brent said, walking up to Ryan. "Trying to find a good topping for the peanut butter cup we're making, but I don't know what kind Doug wants. Anyway, thanks for helping us out. The name's Brent. What's yours?" he asked, offering his hand to shake.
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2009 8:11 pm

When the hourglass emptied, Myrah turned it over again. She rested a moment, simply watching all the activity of the tiny humans scurrying on her counter, and trying to cook using her dridder sized tools. She didn’t buy the diamond mind stuff, but there was something different about these humans. Myrah glanced over at the hourglass. “Your time is about half up. Are you going to be done in time?” She said. Her voice wasn’t malicious or anything, but simply informing them. “And just a little spice, human,” She added, answering Niklas’s question. She got a bunch of tomatoes, garlic and onions and set them next to Niklas. “The spices are in those jars there.”


“Anything to make these taste better,” Doug said. “I’ve already finished my recipe, I’m improvising at this point. But anything that would make this dessert better would be helpful. But nevermind, I better not get too elaborate.”

“Back on earth, this would have to be some sort of record,” Doug said, as he finished pouring on the chocolate top to the massive reeses. He noticed Myrah looking his way a bit hungrily. Doug couldn’t tell if she was looking at him or the candy he was preparing. Shrugging, Tuc waved the dridder over. Myrah raised an eyebrow, then came over to him.

“Did you want something, morsel?” Myrah asked.

“Could you do me a favor and please put this into the cold room for, say five minutes?” Doug asked. Myrah shrugged, than took the giant chocolate candy and put it into the chilled cavern room.
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2009 9:42 pm

"Ryan, pleasure." he shook Brent's hand firmly. "Glad to see your spirits up, in spite of our current predicament." He looked over to Myrah as she called the half time warning, noting also on how spicy he needed to make the Cajun style batter . Liena should be back with the fish soon, anyway. "I'll talk to you latter, Brent. After we get out of this strange episode of Iron Chef." He went back and started to do his best with what he had. "Myrah, would you mind giving me a hand? I need to start boiling this oil and mixing this batter. That way I can save time and not only finish this, but also show you the recipe while I'm at it, just in case you like it." He flashed her a smile. A little charm never hurt anyone, he thought.
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2009 5:21 am

"Sure thing! If I'm not roasting in Spider Woman's stomach that is." said Brent, going back to the others. "So, Doug, since that peanut butter cup of yours is chilling in the fridge, does that mean we pick out a topping? I looked through those jars, and I thought vanilla icing would be nice, but I didn't want to do any vanilla overkill since we already added vanilla. Also found some candy sprinkles, oddly enough."

"Aaaaand I'm back!" Liena said happily, coming back into the room with the washed fish. "So Ryan, what do you want me to do with these?" she asked him.
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon May 25, 2009 11:37 am

Niklas had cfound another spoon and was chopping the onions and tomatoes, he had chosen some meat that resembled chicken and had cut into big pieces. "Argh" He complained and rubbed his tearfull eyes. "I hate chopping onions" He said with a small laugh.
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon May 25, 2009 2:25 pm

Brent looked at Niklas chopping the onions, then back at Doug, saying, "Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna help Niklas out. After all, he doesn't look too happy slicing those onions, and misery loves company." He then looked around, and found a big knife to use. He ran over to it and grabbed the handle with both of his hands and ran back over to where Niklas was, using the knife to help him slice through the onions.

"Hey, Niklas, you go on ahead and get the spices you need. I can handle slicing these veggies up." Brent said, taking a moment to wipe a tear from his eye as the scent of the onions started getting to him.
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon May 25, 2009 2:31 pm

"Ah, thanks" Niklas said. "Small onions from your world is one thing...But THIS is unbearable" He said while looking up the giant onion. "thanks, once more" He then ran over to the jars Myrah had pointed out before and smelled them, to see what would fit.
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Darkstorm Zero
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon May 25, 2009 3:25 pm

"I am slowing down... I'm not about to be a spiders meal if I can help it..." siad Ben as he came up to the entrance, his lights spied the slivery webbing Myrah used around the entrance.

"I should have known...." he grumbled getting off the bike and walking towards the web, pulling out his cigarette lighter.

"My pocket knife won't cut this stuff, but fire should burn it up nicely."
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon May 25, 2009 3:55 pm

"Next to the bowl should be fine. Your just in time. Need some help mixing this stuff" Ryan walked over to the bowl and once Liena had put the fish down, he climbed up her hand to her shoulder and directed her in how to make the batter.

"Now," he said once she was finished mixing it. "The batter needs to settle for a second. Now we need to fill that pot with oil and start to boil it. While we wait for that, we can think of a side dish for her. Any suggestions?
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon May 25, 2009 4:16 pm

Liena set the fish down and let Ryan climb onto her hand and arm, letting him direct her on how to make the batter. Once she was done mixing it, she went over to one of the shelves and got out a pot, pouring oil into it and putting it on a heat rune. When Ryan asked what kind of side Myrah would like, Liena shrugged and said, "I'm afraid I don't know. Of course, those humans are making something over there."
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon May 25, 2009 4:48 pm

Ryan nodded, "Ya. I know. But it looks like they are handling desert and another meat. We need something else, though." Ryan thought for a while and finally shrugged. "I suppose that's enough. I mean, Myrah made something too, right? So that should be fine. Go ahead and dip the fish in the batter, the oil looks about ready to fry stuff now. Now... we need a fry basket to pull it back out." he called out to Myrah, "Hey, you got a fry basket around here? Or perhaps a deep spoon with holes for draining?"
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon May 25, 2009 5:18 pm

“A fry basket?” Myrah asked. “Oh! That. I don’t often make foods like that. Here, will this strainer work?” Myrah finds a metal wire strainer and hands it to Liena. She comes up next to the other dridder, and watched her cook under Ryan’s direction.

“I have to say Liena, these humans are different than the usual Felaryan brand,” Myrah commented, watching them cook a meal. “With most groups, they’d be begging, trying to escape, or bribing me with one another. But these humans, they’re sticking together, and working to make a replacement meal rather than wasting time. And the fact that they won you over is a big point in their favor too, Liena.”
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon May 25, 2009 8:18 pm

"Oh, this'll work just fine, Myrah!" Liena said, putting the fish on the strainer and putting it in the oil. "Anyway, I completely agree with you. These humans are much different than most I've encountered here. Very selfless bunch if I do say so myself." she said as she watched them cook while watching the fish as well.

Meanwhile, Brent had just finished slicing up the onion he started on, his eyes no longer watering due to the fact that he had become accustomed to the smell of the vegetable, which Brent was VERY thankful for. "Hey, Niklas, you want me to slice up another vegetable or another onion?! I just finished up the one I was slicing here!" he said, waiting for him to respond.
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon May 25, 2009 11:44 pm

Niklas pulled his head out of a jar with some strange spice, he had never smelled before. "oh, thanks. It would be great if you could crush some garlic, it needs to be small pieces...but not too small, maybe around fist sized" He said, then looked over at Myrah. "i must say you have some very interresting spices here" He said with a smile. "what is this called?" He pointed into the jar he just had his head in.


Wal tilted her head. "If...you need fire just ask" She muttered slowly.
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeTue May 26, 2009 11:00 am

Ryan smiled as he oversaw Liena's work. "I'll take that as a compliment, Liena." He looked over to the hour glass and noted that they only had a few minutes left. Good timing, as she was now putting in the last fish. He looked out to the entrance, wondered how the dirt biker was doing and how his skins were coming along.

Once the golden-brown fish was cool enough, Ryan called to Myrah. "We got the first two finished and the third one is just about done. Your welcome to try it now, though if you wish. They are still a bit hot and they do have a bit of a spicy kick to it, but not too much. I have had many people tell me it's just right."
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Darkstorm Zero
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeTue May 26, 2009 3:10 pm

Ben turned his head and said to Wal "what do you mean by that?" even as one of the web strings started shrivelling under the heat of the fire.

(OOC: Sorry it's short )
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeTue May 26, 2009 3:29 pm

“Oh, that’s dried fennel,” Myrah replied. She saw the hourglass run out and pulled her roasting nuts out of the oven. She glanced at them, then at the humans busily working to finish their meal on time. After a moment, she shrugged, and set the tray nuts aside on an empty counter. “They need to cool a little bit anyway, you can have a little more time to finish everything.”

“In the meanwhile, Don’t mind if I do,” Myrah said, plucking up one of the pieces of fried fish. She delicately bit into the corner of it. “Mmm, not bad! I love the spice on it. Here, Liena, try a bit of it.” Myrah said, breaking off a piece of the fish and handing it to Liena. “I’m going to have to write down the recipe for this one.”

Douglas breathed a sigh of relief when Myrah mentioned getting the recipe. “That’s a good sign. I think we may be out the woods fellas,” He said, as he worked to make a second giant peanut butter cup.
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeTue May 26, 2009 10:42 pm

"Dried fennel, huh?" niklas said and shrugged. "never heard of it" He said and jumped down, to find some more spices.


Wal just stood there for some second before opening her mouth a little. "Tazlye" She said and all of a sudden her hair and eye colour changed from blue to red. "Fiiiine, i'll give him some freaking fire...damn" Tazlye growled at what apeared to be no one.
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Roaming thug
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A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeWed May 27, 2009 1:44 am

(i don't want to use my real name for this)

blademan was on his macbook on felarya forum, then suddenly portal appeared beneath and he fell threw it. when he looked around he saw a cave, and what he saw in the cave, was very interesting, then he saw a 3 men with a stone arm walking around, one of them had a stone arm, blademan realised who they were, three of his brand new characters. He then shouted to them,"over here, i think there are some people in need of help there" he knew there names were strone, irone, icrone. they looked in the cave and saw what was going on, strone turned his right and already stone arm into his thick stone form. irone turned his right arm into metal, he straightened out his arm and hand, the result looked like a blade, and icrone turned his right arm into ice, he curved his hand so it looked like he had claws, they all then walked into the cave.
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeWed May 27, 2009 11:37 pm

(Blademan9999, the next time you want to join an RP, please ask first. Second, I'm going to have to be frank with you. Your post is not the kind of quality that's expected in this roleplay. Not only was your post completely unrealistic emotionwise, but your 'characters' are nothing more than one-dimensional godmods who serve no other purpose than to obliterate any predators in their way. With that said, please don't post in here again. If you do, you will be ignored, and you will be flagged. This is your only warning.)

Liena took a bite of the piece of fish that Myrah gave her, pleasure immediately showing on her face. "Mmm...this is delicious! You're an awesome cook, Ryan!" she said, giving the human a pet on the head. "Hey, I'll be right back with those kensha beast skins of yours." With that, she went out of the cave to get the skins that Ryan made.

"Still, it wouldn't hurt to keep doing what we're doing. After all, there's no such thing as too much food in my book." Brent said in response to Douglas, now slicing up the tomatoes having finished up the garlic clove.
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Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeThu May 28, 2009 1:40 am

(what about with a different character.......)
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: A World Thought Fictional   A World Thought Fictional - Page 7 Icon_minitimeThu May 28, 2009 1:52 am

(Hmm...I realize that I was a bit harsh, considering that you're new. I'll give you another chance. If you want to try again with another character, I reccomend that you only do one, and even then, he or she can't be completely uber strong. After all, Felarya is a dangerous place where the people do their best to survive, not a battle arena. For now, thought, I think you should try it with just yourself for the time being, and bring in your character a bit later.)
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