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 The Great Unknown.

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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeFri Dec 14, 2007 11:49 am

Okay, I'm sick of people whining about no structured Role Plays here so I decided to go for something instead of waiting for something to come out.

Here's the low down:

1. You can be either a prey item (Human, Neko, etc.) or a predator (Naga, Dryad, etc.) so long as you fill out the character sheet as explicitly as possible. I'm a stickler for detail people; the more complex the description, the more real the character is to me.

2. There is no God-moding and anyone caught doing this will be expelled from the RP.

3. Power play, only if you have the other player's written consent so that you can use their character. Other than that, keep this to a minimal.

4. If a character is expelled from the game, their character is killed in a most excruciating manner. Or I'm sure one of the many predators will be willing to take them off our hands.

5. No killing another person's character without their consent. I'm serious about this everyone.

6. PM me, that is send me a Private Message with the character registration sheet filled out and ready to go. Make it as detailed as possible and keep the grammar as proper as you can. I realize many of you don't speak English as a first language so don't worry, I'll try not to pick on you too much. Be prepared to edit the character sheet if I don't find it satisfactory, no to offend but even I have standards when it comes to these things.

7. Lastly; have fun, make friends, eat prey... wait... yeah okay I'll go with that.

Now for the character creation sheet. Just copy and paste the sheet into the PM and fill it out. Send it to me for approval and prepare to start when I set the scenario.

Quote :

Name: (name of character)
Age: (approx. age)
Height: (approx. height the units you use to describe the height do not matter)
Race/Species: (what are they?)
Place in the food Chain: (predator, prey, neutral)

Physical appearance:(describe what the character looks like, this does not include clothing)

Attire: (if any)

Friends: (they don't have to be characters in this particular game)

Magic: (if any. Be sure to list the type of magic and the specific spells that they know.)

Skills: (special abilities, things that make the character unique)

Basic Stats (You are given 40 points to distribute evenly between your stats. The added numbers cannot exceed 40. The scale is between 1-9, 9 is a number only the administrators and Moderators can use.)
Agility -
Speed -
Strength -
Defense -
Evasiveness -
Dexterity -
Intelligence -
Skill -

Backstory: (Be descriptive and keep the events mentioned here in the backstory in the past, as if they had already occurred)

Okay, not one of my more descriptive character sheets but enough to get the point across. After I get three or more applicants We'll begin the starting scenario and start up the game. Oh and don't post anything to this thread until we begin the game.

Last edited by on Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:08 pm; edited 8 times in total
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Veteran knight
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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 10:26 am

delete functions would be handy for something like this.

Last edited by on Sat Dec 15, 2007 10:14 pm; edited 2 times in total
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 10:31 am

Felarya, a wondrous and lush planet with great trees the size of skyscrapers. However, these green fields and tall trees belie its true nature. This land, beautiful though it may seem is a land of giants; massive creatures, some beautiful and provocative the likes of which would paralyze a man with lustful intentions. There are also horrors the likes of which would scare folks to within an inch of their lives.

Survival is the name of the game, can you survive? Now we come across our first adventurer into Felarya...

(ooc: Begin!)

Last edited by on Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:45 pm; edited 4 times in total
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The Nordic Ninja
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
The Nordic Ninja

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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 11:29 am

In a lush jungle world an alien warrior begins a new adventure. He is lying unconscious on the ground but slowly begins to wake. "Hmm?" he says before jumping up and exclaiming, "Where in the hell am I?" He frantically searches his equipment to ensure there are no lost items. "Let's see pistols, warblade," he says counting, "sniper, auxiliary weapon case... yep everything's here." He breathes a sigh of relief an looks around at the unfamiliar territory. He marvels at the enormus flora and says, "What a strange place. Something tells me I'll be here a while. Might as well get my barrings." He then proceeds to heft his gear and walk ever warily through the jungle.

Last edited by on Sat Dec 15, 2007 12:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 12:37 pm

(ooc: Just a little heads up people, I already sent Nordic Ninja a Pm but I wanted to let you guys know too. Try and keep your posts in this page in story format. This allows us to make the world seem more realistic by describing it, I'll show you what I mean...)

James awoke to find himself laying in a patch of dirt, his arms surrounded by a patch of white, powdery dust. He had tried to use his ability to grow crystals to keep himself from falling into that weird vortex but, he must have failed. God knew where or even when he could have been. Time and space was something too complex for him to think about normally, but ever since he met that strange Japanese man, Hiro was his name, nothing had exactly been normal.

As he got up he took note of one, outstanding thing, the trees he was around were huge. Almost so that they could dwarf skyscrapers with ease. He took a step back, not believing his eyes. The leaves on the ground were almost as big as himself. Something was definitely off about this place but he felt it better to move along then stay in one spot.

However, no sooner had took a step then he began to feel dizzy. "Well that's different," he said as he tried to figure out what was wrong. "The atmosphere here must be thicker than were I'm from," he stated as he slowly tried to get up again.

He succeeded the next time, though with a little bit of wooziness, he made it over to the nearest tree. "Where the hell am I?" he thought aloud as he stabilized himself against the rough bark of the tree.

It was indeed strange, he could have sworn there were two suns in the sky at the time.
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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 1:48 pm

Ryla's titanic form lay sprawled halphazardly over a series of low-hanging branches. Her clawed arms dangled over the edge, making her presence ridiculously obvious. Her loud snoring echoed throughout the jungle. Ryla wasn't trying to hide from anything, rather she was just trying to pass the day away. The suns were high, and her biological clock dictated that now was time to sleep.

The branch Ryla's main body was slumped over began to groan. A moment later, a loud snap rang out. Ryla was oblivious to it, however, and continued to sleep. Suddenly, another snap rang and the branch gave several feet. Still she slumbered. Finally, the strain became too much and the branch snapped, dropping onto the forest floor, and sending Ryla with it. Her tail quickly slid over the remaining branches it was draped over, and her entire form dropped twelve stories onto the jungle floor.
Ryla's eyes flickered open as she dropped onto the ground. Immediately, the glaring sun forced her to close them, and she quickly drifted back to sleep, now sprawled awkwardly across the grass.

Ryla's stomach silently demanded food, but its mental pleas went unheard to the sleeping squamatoid. Drool began falling from her maw as she slept.
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The Rev
The Rev

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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 3:27 pm

The Rev loaded the AK-47, swinging it around cautiously. He could not remember where he was or how he got there, nor could he remember what happened prior to his appearance here. Where am I? Who am I? These Thoughts swarmed through Rev's head. The only thing he could remember was the term "The Rev". Is that my name?

Rev looked down at the weapon in his hands. Where the hell did this come from?

He heard a rustle behind him, and turned around. His eyesight pierced through the darnkess, but he saw nothing. Rev checked his gun's barrel for good measure.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 3:39 pm

James could only stagger around for what seemed to him like hours until he finally began to get accustomed to the pressure of the air and began to walk without hobbling. He marveled at the large trees that seemed to reach straight into forever. That was of course until he heard a sound not too far off.

Whatever it was, it wasn't something small he surmised from the way the ground seemed to vibrate slightly. He wouldn't want to stick around but at the same time, curiosity took the better of him. Against his better judgment, he made his way towards the noise.

'Okay Jim,' he thought to himself. 'Remember your training and you'll be fine.'
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The Rev
The Rev

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PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 4:40 pm

It began raining. The Rev continued scouting, until he was overcome by a staggering tiredness. Was I this tired earlier?

Rev came to a huge tree who's trunk rose far into the darnkess. It's sides were strangely smooth. He pulled off some bark and attempted to make a fire with some sticks he found. Not surprisingly, the wet sticks refused to burn. He gave up and slumped against the tree.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 8:21 pm

James walked for a while, trying to follow the loud sound he had heard to the best of his ability. He felt he was making good time when it started to rain on him. He silently cursed under his breath, wishing he was anywhere but this place. With an exasperated sigh he looked around for some place to take shelter while it rained.

"Just my luck," he said as he looked about and leaned against what he thought was a felled tree. "Rotten luck as always. I can't believe such a place exists though, if it weren't for the fact I'm someplace nobody's ever been it could be potentially nice."

He was cold and began to shiver as the wind picked up. He noticed some small creatures, coming his way until they froze, took a whiff of the air and turned then ran as fast as they could down wind. "That... cant be good." His words trailed off as he tried to find cover.

Last edited by on Sat Dec 15, 2007 10:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Rev
The Rev

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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 9:49 pm

((ooc, in your last post, you said he was "wishing he was anywhere but place"))

The Rev was jolted from his unexpected sleep by the sudden wind. There's someone watching me... I can feel it. He grabbed his gun and put his hand on his head to keep his hat from blowing away, and then was about to walk into the night when he heard something from up above. The Rev looked up into the titanic tree, and by the light of a flash of lightning, was shocked to realize that the tree...
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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 9:58 pm

As the rain fell into the jungle, the sky was obscured by the clouds. The fading light struck a chord with Ryla, telling her to get up.

Ryla opened her eyes and slowly lifted herself up. The first thing she noticed was the long tendril of drool falling from her mouth. She wiped it off and yawned, exposing her razor-like teeth to the jungle.
The next thing she noticed was that she was hungry. VERY hungry. In fact, the branch in front of her was even starting to look mildly tasty. However, she turned her attention to her antennae. They slowly rose and began scanning the surroundings. Various small animals abound, but none of them seemed especially appetizing. Suddenly, something larger came into view. Ryla turned her antennae towards the source, spotting a roughly man-sized body in the distance. There was only one she could see, but it was a start.
Slowly, Ryla rose and began creeping silently through the jungle, keeping her antennae focused on the item.
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The Rev
The Rev

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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 10:02 pm

The Rev blinked twice. In front of him, the huge tree appeared like a tree, but after a couple hundred feet or so, it took on the exact shape of a sleeping human from the waist up! The resembleance was uncanny. Rev let out a small gasp. Who could have done such a thing... or what? And why? Rev decided that hanging around a creature so much bigger than him was a bad idea, awake or not, and so he started off into the morning,the first rays of sunlight already poking through the gray clouds.
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The Nordic Ninja
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
The Nordic Ninja

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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 10:18 pm

Systath continues to walk through the jungle mentaly noting land marks and scanning unusual things. "I get the funny feeling that I'm too small for this world," he thinks while looking around again at the huge flora. "I can only imagine what the natives must look like." A slight movement to his right catches his eye. He takes note and continues on in a stealthier manner.
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The Rev
The Rev

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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 10:33 pm

The rain had slowed to a stop now, and the leaves gleamed in the sunlight. With the last of the clouds gone, The Rev was completely visible to any danger. Because there is always danger, he thought to himself. As he continued walking, he saw for the first time a hulking figure in the distance. Another carved tree? No, this shone brighter than any tree, and it was moving. Shocked, Rev dashed behind some undergrowth and looked at the creature in the distance.
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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 10:37 pm

((I'm gonna go ahead and ask now to avoid confusion. Are we all converging togther, or is each post detailing completely unrelated events with no plans on currently merging them?))
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The Rev
The Rev

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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 10:40 pm

((We are going to eventually, depends who wants to. You may or may not be the hulking figure in the distance, and I could have been the flicker of movement on the Nordic Ninja's post))
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 10:42 pm

GREGOLE wrote:
((I'm gonna go ahead and ask now to avoid confusion. Are we all converging togther, or is each post detailing completely unrelated events with no plans on currently merging them?))

Heh, you didn't notice did you? I had mentioned that James had leaned up against what he "thought" was a felled tree. He literally touched Ryla and walked off.)

James was still wet, and drowsy from the events that led him to this place. Still, he needed to find a place to hid, at least until the sun or suns came out, since that was what he had seen before. Still, he couldn't help the feeling he was being watched. As much as he wanted to start growing crystals out of his arms to prepare for an attack, but thought better of it since it would for sure give away his position.

It was then he found it, a "small" crack in the trunk of a tree. "Finally," he muttered as he made his way toward it.
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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 10:51 pm

((so I see. However, in my boredome, I feel like some actual interaction))

Ryla paused, the body before her now visible in her eye. It was indeed a human. The normal variety, no less. A male, too. He apparently noticed her, as he dashed from sight. But Ryla's antennae kept him in her sight. Though it was more vague, she established a cluster of electrical impulses in a general region that marked the man's presence.
Still, he knew she was there. Ryla would have to try a different approach if she was to close the distance.... She decided to try the first thing that struck her mind. She danced.

"Theeeeeey have.... a power and force that you've never seen befoooooooooreee" she spun around whimsically, pretending not to notice the man's presence. This afforded her the luxury of moving more quickly towards the supposedly hidden target.

"Theeeeeeey have...." she continued as she closed the distance rapidly, spinning and twirling freely no, "the ability to morph and to even up theeee scoooorrre...."

She could see the pile of shrubbery that the man was hidden behind now. She kept singing as she rapidly closed the distance in her halfhearted dance.

"Nooooooooo ooooooooone can ever take them down" she sang loudly as she spun around, swinging her tail swiftly overhead, knocking a large chunk of the foliage away. She lunged, looming over the shrubbery, gazing down at the figure below with a toothy grin.

"The power lies on their siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide...." she finished, faint as a whisper.

Last edited by on Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 11:00 pm

James' eyes were wide, he had heard singing in the distance that seemed to grow and at the same time the ground felt as though it were vibrating slightly. It wasn't a stomping movement, but rather a slithering movement. He stuck his out of the trunk and gazed, awestruck at what he saw. A large woman but her figure was mixed with what he could only figure was a snake. She got closer and closer, every fiber of his being telling him to run, yet he ignored them; entranced by the movements of the this wonderous creature.

When the creature finished, it was looming over the small shrub he was using for cover. She had potted him. What shocked him the most was this creature's height, it dwarfed him completely. It was then he noticed this creature was female, he should have known from the voice.

"... Uh..." was the only thing he could get out of his mouth as he stared in awe, his jaw hanging low until he saw that toothy grin.

(ooc: sounds like the old power rangers theme)
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The Rev
The Rev

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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 11:02 pm

Rev noticed that the gigantic creature began singing and dancing drmatically, as if in a trance. He tried to decipher what she was doing. She seems to be getting closer. Rev shrank back to ensure he was hidden, but the creature got closer. She appeared to be some kind of a serpent, but with a humanlike form. The Rev then gasped. It's a trick! I've been spotted! The Rev got up and dashed behind a tree, hoping the creature would lose sight of him. Stupid! I should have noticed sooner!

((You're a chilotaur, right?))((nvm))
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The Nordic Ninja
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
The Nordic Ninja

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Location : Crouching on a narrow ledge overlooking a fjord.

The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 11:07 pm

Systath hears something and stops abruptly. "Is that..." he listens closely, "...singing?!" He hastily follows the curious melody hoping to find a sentient native to talk to.

Last edited by on Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 11:08 pm

((That's because it is the old Power Rangers theme. lol! ))

Ryla's grin deepened as a surge of movement caught her eye. Another one jumped from behind a large pile of foliage. She hadn't even notice that one! One of her antennae turned in his direction, following his movement, while she gazed down at the one she had spotted first. Her tail quickly snaked around the small man before her, encircling him in a wide, yet high wall of thickly muscled flesh.
She looked over to the region of jungle where the other guy had fled.

"No, it's ok, I don't know you're there yet. Please don't worry about hiding."

She looked down to the first man and smiled malevolently.

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The Rev
The Rev

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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 11:16 pm

Rev felt like sweat-dropping. God Damn it! He stood where he hid, not daring to provike the creatue into chasing him. Mabye that other guy can distr... wait, other guy? The Rev looked out from behind the tree and turned his attention to the unfortunate stranger caught by the creature.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 11:17 pm

"... Uh... nothing," he mentally kicked himself for letting himself be caught. His arms were pinned, he let a small sigh but reeled back and tried to see if she noticed. 'Crap! Well, if things get hairy then I'll have no choice,' he thought, 'I'll have to fight my way out.'

Still, he was mesmerized by this large, serpentine female.
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The Great Unknown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Great Unknown.   The Great Unknown. Icon_minitime

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