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HELL... AND HEAVEN! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HELL... AND HEAVEN!   HELL... AND HEAVEN! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 09, 2012 1:51 pm

Nice. I like it Smile sounds pretty epic.

As a side note, did anyone actually read my idea? >_>
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Evil admin
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HELL... AND HEAVEN! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HELL... AND HEAVEN!   HELL... AND HEAVEN! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 12, 2012 2:54 am

Shady Knight wrote:
Thank you for posting an incredibly obvious solution that doesn't further this thread in any shape or form, also ignoring that this will only result in the same post getting longer and less readable thanks to its size. And on that note...

No need to be snarky, he was just trying to help...

Those are good ideas. I especially like the Sordoa. The idea of a counterpart to the cerberi is interesting and Heaven definitely needs some guarding creatures.
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Mara's snack

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HELL... AND HEAVEN! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HELL... AND HEAVEN!   HELL... AND HEAVEN! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 14, 2012 9:49 pm

Very Low to Legendary

The Ecrèdoin is a rare creature that floats through heaven. It is a massive serpent like creature that is extremely long with four pairs of wings spaced from it's shoulders to the end of it's tail. The whole body of the creature is a sterile white, and creates a really good feeling to anyone as far as several miles away from it's body. When light shines down on it's back, the dragon releases a beautiful bright light from it's body down to the ground below, though despite the brightness, somehow it is not blinding... It is one of the rarest creatures in all of the Heavenly realms, and among the most fiersome guardians of all of Heaven. Many a demon has been slain by these creatures, and during the Tenebris war, which lasted millenia, there was only a single casualty. They breed within a special realm in heaven now, and are dispatched as watchers. Especially to the realm of sub realm of Heaven which houses the Megalopalis city.

the Megalopalis:

I had this idea that maybe even this realm of Heaven suffered heavy casualties. Also, since there are many different levels and plains of Heaven, I refer to it as "Greater Heaven" and "Heaven" as it is called in my entry is because that is what the ancients called their city - now obviously part of Greater Heaven itself. Though I am not sure about why a city on Felarya would share it's name with Heaven itself, unless the civilization incorporated the word "Heaven" into their language because it sounded graceful to them - which is a possibility based on what kind of people these ancients were. Carefree, optimistic, doing something because it's pretty or graceful to do so, etc.

edit: I got this other idea, that there could be an opposite of the Ecrèdoa, supported actually by the picture used on the hell wiki page. There is a flying serpent there with two wings.

To save you trouble from looking for it:
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HELL... AND HEAVEN! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HELL... AND HEAVEN!   HELL... AND HEAVEN! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 28, 2012 12:45 pm

Had a couple ideas for heavenly realms. The first is more like an acid trip on Disney: Macross 7 will do that to you.

The Resonant Realm

One of the most alien realms in heaven (perhaps the most alien of them) is the Resonant Realm. There are no spoken words for it: sounds are a foundation as important as matter in this place, and to choose sounds that define it would be like choosing a metal to define reality.

The sight of the Resonant Realm in Heaven is... impressive, to say the least. Most of the time, one can see a strange pattern of diffuse gold extending as far as the eye can see. This pattern is actually composed of eerie, glowing musical instruments; it's only a matter of time before one drifts close enough to grab. While those instruments may vary in their exact size and shape, they are most often triangles, with occassional flutes, harps and violins, and more rarely a guitar- or piano. Other instruments are even more rare.

Once a visitor grabs an instrument and starts playing it, they will immediately be transported to the vicinity of whatever is playing that same melody anywhere in the realm, while the pattern flashes by, fading into the distance, until the once all-encompassing gold trim is just like a moon in the firmament that turns navy blue. Even more complex melodies render the navy blue a moon with a gold core, while the firmament turns a watery shade of green, and when one goes so far they would be beyond the green, there's gray. When one crosses the gray firmament, they wind up in a different world, somehow related to the melody they were playing: many angels keep partitures keyed to different realms. A would-be musician's melody will be heard for a moment in the area they left behind, allowing a pursuer to try and catch up with their melody- if they can. When in silence -or at least, when an object isn't emitting any harmonics-, most things are on the "ground": this is, a wasteland full of sand and half-buried instruments, illuminated by the soft glow of the instrumental firmament.

Most angels in the Resonant Realm use it as a hideout, where they devise their own melodies to sequester themselves, or maybe await someone with a melody only they share. The angels native to this world tend to rhyme with the people they converse with- an habit they develop in order to be able to converse with each other while keeping the same melody. It's notable that most of the angels here often choose not to speak- their voice is meant solely as a musical instrument.

One can leave the Resonant Realm by playing a melody that's being played somewhere else in the multiverse. The proximity effect might be able to create a portal if the two melodies are loyal enough to each other: it's more important to play exactly the same melody than it is to play the melody right. Alternatively, one could attempt to create a melody so malsonant that the Realm rejects the musician (and their instrument) and shunts them into a more earthly realm.

The Hedge Maze

This place looks like a maze of white tile and green-leaved hedge walls, but these two things are actually one and the same: the white marble tiles are actually the tightly woven, smooth, cold trunks and roots of the hedges there, growing on top of and around each other, feeding off each other as they weave an infinity of courtyards, fountains, columns, staircases, and other architectural features. Sometimes, the stone trunks shatter, and waterlike sap flows from the rubble, gathered by underground streams that eventually feed into the fountains. There is no sky in the Hedge Maze- there is only more maze, extending in all directions to infinity, though the sight can sometimes be broken by a large raincloud.

Most of the light comes from its denizens- they manifest as small, glowing ethereal balls, which give off as much light as the moon. They tend to quietly follow travelers, lighting their road around the maze; while they cannot speak, they are often good at ascertaining an interloper's intentions- and may guide or misguide them as they see fit, showing them to a portal out of the realm- or to an area where withered old trunks are ready to shatter under and over an unwelcome intruder.

Despite its infinity, this realm is mostly empty- and as a matter of fact, most angels tend to avoid it. Those that do wander in for any reason look for a way out immediately- and upon their return, comment on a feeling of being watched closely for as long as they were in the Hedge Maze.
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